- Which of the following best describes SQL-Injection Attack ?
A. Involves the crafting of malicious inputs.
B. These malicious inputs can be submitted via web application forms.
C. Causing the application to behave as expected.
D. Causing the web application to behave in an unexpected manner.
E. A,B & D.
F. All of the Above.
Answer: (Option E).
- Which of the following are True about Domain Names and IP Addresses ?
A. They are placeholders for IP Addresses.
B. Domain names unlike IP Addresses are Unique.
C. Domain names like IP Addresses are Unique.
D. You do not need to register IP addresses, but you need to register domain names to be able to use.
E. A & C.
F. All of the above.
Answer: (Option E).
- Which of the following is an Application Layer Protocol?
C. IPV4.
D. Mac.
E. A, B, & D.
F. All of the Above.
Answer: (Option A).
- Which of the following describes the Method a HTTP request is making?
C. Headers.
D. Body.
E. A,B & C.
F. All of the Above.
Answer: (Option E).
Episode 4-Video: A Detailed Description on the answers of this weeks Episode…
- Which of the following are contained in an HTTP request ?
C. Headers.
D. Body.
E. A,B & C.
F. All of the Above.
Answer: (Option F).
- Which of the following best describes Web Page Rendering?
A. Software component, within a web browser.
B. Is responsible for transforming HTML webpages into visuals representation.
C. The visual representation is known as a rendering repository.
D. The visual representation is known as a rendering pipeline.
E. A,B & D.
F. All of the Above.
Answer: (Option E).
- What does CISO stand for in Cybersecurity?
A. Chief Internal and Software Officer.
B. Chief Information and Software Officer.
C. Chief Infosec and System Officer.
D. Chief Information and Security Officer.
E. None of the Above.
F. All of the Above.
Answer: (Option D).
- Which of the following programming language, was invented in the Japan in the mid 90’s?
A. Python.
B. Java.
C. Cobol.
D. C++.
E. None of the Above.
F. All of the Above.
Answer: (Option E).
- Which of the following describes the right order, in Bruteforcing credentials with a large payload using Burpsuite?
i. Send to Repeater.
ii. Send to Intruder.
iii. Set Positions.
iv. Clear positions.
iv. Add Payloads.
v. Select Attack type.
vii. Intercept On.
viii. Intercept off.
ix. Start Attack
A. i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi,vii,viii,ix.
B. ii,iv,vi,ix,iii,v,vii,viii,i.
C. ii,iv,vi,ix,iii,vii,viii,i
D. vii,viii,ii,iv,iii,v,vi,ix
E. None of the Above.
F. None of the Above.
Answer: (Option D).
- Which of the following is the default port number for HTTP(s)?
A. 80.
B. 8080.
C. 443.
D. 8081.
E. None of the Above.
F. All of The Above.
Answer: (Option C).
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